Necessary Clutch Wallet by Emmaline Bags. It is super cute and practical. I have made myself one, and my girls, and even made them as gifts. With the variety of fabric available, just think of the fab purses they can be made.
This bag is also my Emmaline Bags. It is called Steph in the City.
This is a two Zipper Hipster bag by Dog under my Desk.
Most of my bags are coming from Swoon Patterns. This one is called a Bonnie Bucket Bag. Who remembers having a bucket bag????
Another example of the NCW and the bag is a simple Ruby bag by Artsy Crafty Babe.
I don't design my bag I am just making them from a pattern. I have been very surprised at the amount of people who cant seem to sew. My mum taught all of us when we were growing up. I thought it was a little lame, learning to sew, but now I love it. Its become a great relaxing outlet. It is awesome. Some very talented people out there.