Facebook seems to be all the go in our house at the moment. Glen is addicted and loves getting me in parking wars. 25 random things about me is what is going around also in facebook so here are mine.
1) I love being a mother and a wife.
2) I love scrapbooking.
3) I have managed to keep my house tidy for a week.
4) I get frustrated when Tamika cant sound out a simple word.
5) I have very noisy children all the time.
6) I enjoy my tuesday nights out.
7) Local bakey has the best bread and it is only $1.80 a loaf.
8) I hate frogs.
9) I am planning a party for march - 10 years of marriage.
10) I am sick of being fat.
11) Midori and lemonade on a hot summers day. Yum
12) Wish glen would cook for a change.
13) Would like a cleaner, cook, and nanny to help out during the day.
14) Would not recommend going into business for yourself - it has knobs on it.
15) Sometimes enjoy baking.
16) love facebook- being able to catch up with friends from primary school.
17) Creating keepsake - the best scrapbooking magazine in the world. (if only my subscription would hurry up and arrive)
18) Creating Memories - scrapbooking again sorry guys.
19) I love taking photos of anything.
20) I 'like' having my photo taken.
21) People who interfere and dont know what they are talking about annoy me.
22) I want to be rich so I can give the kids everything.
23) My friend Chloe makes me want to be a more positive person.
24) I never thought raising children would be so hard.
25) Tuesdays and Thursdays because it is just me and Christian. Girls are at school.
Not much but this in me in the beginning of 2009.