Sunday, November 9, 2008

Melting moments

Last night I tries to have a bake up and all I manages to do was make a chocolate brownie and some melting moments. Lost interest which doesn't take long these days. lol With the melting moment I must have done something worng because they taste like you are eating butter mixed with flour. Not really very nive. Will have to try again with that one.

This weekend we had the BLUES IN BRIDGETOWN. And we had great weather for it - nice and sunny considering it had be raining all week down here. The markets were packed with heaps of different stall and of course fruit and vegies. You can tell we live in a hippy town when you see all the stall that were at the market. I brought my first hippy headband. Hopefully this will keep my hair out of my face when I am cleaning the cottages. Which I have four to do today.

Catch up soon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH NO Tab's gone hippi on me